Sorry Letter to Ex

In some cases, people may feel as though they have made mistakes in the relationship that need to be acknowledged and apologized for. An apology can also help repair broken trust and show the ex-girlfriend that they are still valued and appreciated despite any missteps that may have been taken. Check how to write a sorry letter to ex.

Dear {Name}, 

I am writing this letter to say I’m sorry. I know that our relationship has been strained lately and that it was my fault. Even though you tried to understand me, I still failed to open up and communicate with you properly. I regret not doing that more and I take full responsibility for all that has happened. 

I miss you and I wish we could go back to the way things were before, but I understand if you don’t want that anymore. Whatever it is that you decide, please know that I care deeply for you and I still love you even though we are not together now. 

All of this is hard for me to say, but I wanted you to know how much I care and that I’m sorry. 


{Your Name}

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