SHRM Termination Letter

When SHRM intends to dismiss an employee from a company on your behalf, they will send this SHRM Termination Letter to this effect.


[Employee’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

Dear [Employee’s Name]

This is to inform you that you have been terminated from [Company’s Name] effective [Date]. The reasons for your termination are [Give Reasons]. These are in line with the employment law, and all the policy breaches have been highlighted.

You will continue receiving your health care and retirement benefits. Any additional benefits will be communicated in due time. These benefits will end on [Date], after which you will be required to cater for these expenses.

You will be required to return all company property on or before [Date]. A checklist has been provided for your clearance process. Your final payment will be completed on [Date].

For any clarifications or questions, contact us at our email address. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.


[Sender’s Signature]

The Human Resources Department.

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