If you would like to revoke an authorization you granted someone earlier, here is a sample template you can use to write a revoke authorization letter.
(Client Name)
Subject: Revocation of Authority
Dear (Name),
I, (Your Name) the undersigned, revoke the authorization of (Authorized Name) to take actions in any matter on my behalf. The revocation of authorization is effective from (Date). I request you to relay the information to your department for future references.
Thank you for your co-operation. Please let me know if you have any questions.
(Your Name and Signature)
Authorization Letter For Yearbook
Water Connection Authorization Letter
Authorization Letter For Land Title
Sample Authorization Letter For House Renovation
Authorization Letter To Sell Property
Authorization Letter To Get Your Salary
Authorization Letter For Key Collection
Vehicle Release Authorization Letter
Authorization Letter To Get Medical Records
Travel Authorization Letter
Sample Authorization Letter For Transcript Of Records And Diploma
Authorization Letter Death Certificate
Child Care Authorization Letter
Authorization Letter As Representative
Distributor Authorization Letter