If you are stuck on a matter and would like assistance, you can use this Request For Advice Letter sample template to ask for assistance.
[Sender’s Name]
[City, State and Zip Code]
[Mobile Number]
[Recipient’s Name]
[City, State and Zip Code]
[Mobile Number]
Dear [Recipient’s Name],
I am writing to request advice on [Matter to be Adviced on]. Owing to your vast knowledge and understanding on this matter, I believe you will be of most assistance.
The first matter on request is [First Maatter]
The second matter on which I require advice is [List The Second Matter]
I trust that your assistance on this matter will help me advance through the process. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours Sincerely,
[Sender’s Name]
Life Advice Letter
Sales Advice Letter
Advice Letter in Business
Advice Letter To Improve Performance
Advice Letter To Next Years Class
Advice Letter For Job Application
Letter Requesting Career Advice
Advice Letter To Manager
Advice Letter To A High School Freshman
Advice Letter For A Company