How To Say No To Someone Asking You Out (Email or Text)

If someone has asked you out but you just want to remain friends, here is how you can say no to someone through email or text.

Dear [name],

I applaud your bravery when you admitted what you truly felt about me. It takes a real person to do so. I’ve given it some thought so I decided to respond to your letter.

You’re an awesome human being and I don’t think anybody will deny that. You’re someone I will forever call my friend and I’m proud of that. However, that is all we will be. I don’t think we will move to anything other than that. Since I am a true friend, I am letting you know as early as now. 

I don’t want you to think that we will develop into something else other than being friends. I want you to find someone who will you for who you are. I will even help you find that person because somebody like you deserves true love. It may be hard to find the person who will give it to you but it will be worth it.

Hopefully, you won’t avoid me after reading this. I only want what is best for you. After all, honesty is important in every friendship. The last thing we’d want to happen is to break each other’s trust in one another.



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