House Agreement Letter

If you are a tenant and receive a lease agreement from your landlord, you can use this House Agreement Letter sample template to accept the terms or make inquiries.

[Tenant’s Name]

[Building’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Mobile Number]


[Landlord’s Name]

[Building’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Mobile Number]

Dear [Landlord’s Name],

I am writing to confirm my receipt of the lease agreement sent on [Date]. I am pleased to accept all the terms of the House Agreement, and I believe it is a wonderful and beneficial deal to both of us. I have searched for a similar house with similar or better arrangements, which offers the best value for my money.

As per the lease, the agreed house rent amount is [Amount] and should be paid on [Date]. I am grateful for this offer, and I look forward to starting my leasing period as soon as possible.

Please find attached all requested documents to process my lease. I look forward to a comfortable living experience at [Building’s Name].


[Tenant’s Signature]

[Tenant’s Name]

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