HOA Estoppel Letter

Here is a sample template you can use to write a HOA estoppel letter.

To whom it may concern.


The Board of Governors,

Name of HOA.

This letter will serve as an Estoppel to certify that House No. [249] which is located at Street 8, [area, city, state] is clear from all previous dues. The house is a part of [Name] HOA and the owner Mr. [name of the person selling] has paid all the amount that was due towards the HOA.

Thanking You,

[Name of HOA board member],

[Designation of HOA board member],



HOA Annual Meeting Letter
HOA Clearance Letter
HOA Paid Assessment Letter
HOA Closing Letter
HOA Parking Violation Letter
Letter To HOA Requesting Documents
HOA Budget Cover Letter
HOA Enforcement Letter
HOA End Of Year Letter
HOA Proxy Letter