Agreement Letter For Loan

When you agree on mutually beneficial terms with your lender, you can use this Agreement Letter for Loan to formalize this arrangement.

[Sender’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Mobile Number]

[Email Address]


[Recipient’s Name]

[Bank’s Name]

[City, State and Zip Code]

[Mobile Number]

Reference: Agreement on Loan Terms

I am writing this Agreement Letter for Loan to let you know that I agree to the terms laid down by [Bank’s Name] regarding the loan [Loan Reference] of [Loan Amount].

The terms of the agreement state that the repayment will be on [Date] monthly, and delays will attract penalties. Interest on the loan amount will be charged at an effective interest rate of [Percentage]. The assets held in lien for the loan will be returned upon completion of payment of the amount [Loan Amount].

In the event of default, assets held will be sold at the current market value to recover the loan amount. I have consented to all the terms. Please find attached all signed documentation to enforce this agreement.


[Sender’s Signature]

[Sender’s Name]

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